
The Reminders screen lets you set up reminder calls.

CommPortal Reminders page

Adding Reminders

To add a new reminder, click New Reminder at the top of the screen and then follow these steps.

  1. Enter a description of the reminder.
  2. Select the phone number on which you will receive the reminder call.
  3. Select whether you want a one-off or recurring reminder using the drop-down.
  4. Enter the date (for one-off reminders) and time you would like the reminder call using the Time boxes and dropdown list.
  5. Click on Play/Record to record and then playback your reminder message.
  6. Click on Add.
  7. Click on Apply.

Deleting Reminders

To delete a reminder, you use the Reminders list:

  • To delete a single reminder, follow these steps:
    1. Click on the trash icon to the right of the reminder in the list.
    2. Click on Apply.
  • Alternatively to delete all of your reminder calls, follow these steps:
    1. Click on Clear List.
    2. Click on Apply.